advertising, wikipedia, wikipedia articles


This is some Bing level relevancy linkage.

Ironically, those ads for Bing that claimed that Google search results were tangential and unhelpful only helped to cement my idea of Bing as that very thing because of my actual experience with that accursed search engine.

You put an experience in the public’s imagination and say this is not the experience you have with my client! But then your experience with their [[son/sa—not lui]] client matches that exactly. So all I remember is those tone-deaf actors portraying “Google” but connect it to Bing.

In 2009 parlance, FAIL.

I was going to say #FAIL, but honestly, that was before hashtags took off!!!!

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If I want to know what a “Christmas tree Jew” is, I will not find it out from reading the Christmas Tree page.


E.E. Cummings:

[little tree]

little tree

little silent Christmas tree

you are so little

you are more like a flower

who found you in the green forest

and were you very sorry to come away?

see          i will comfort you

because you smell so sweetly

i will kiss your cool bark

and hug you safe and tight

just as your mother would,

only don’t be afraid

look          the spangles

that sleep all the year in a dark box

dreaming of being taken out and allowed to shine,

the balls the chains red and gold the fluffy threads,



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