Daisies, Quotidien

a nice routine

It’s laborious, but it is worth it to me to uncapitalise the autocapitalised words in my titles. Quality and time are often incompatible.


I walk through my neighbourhood to the park. There is a historic Victorian house there (available for tours, which I will someday take!). In front of it is a Little Free Library. I have found treasures there.

Then I walk a circuitous route home to go to Daisy Market. It is a little corner store where I can buy little essentials that we are out of.

Then I walk home.

I look out for cats and say hi to them. Some of them are friendly and untimid and come up to me and let me pet them.

Not the last time, but the time before that, I saw a majestic bird sitting on a street lamp. I see now that its colouring was not really what I thought it was, but in that almost-twilight sky (a light pearly blue), his chest looked light blue and his head looked yellow. I posted videos of him on TikTok as a batsignal to ask what kind of bird he was. TikTok delivered: an osprey.


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