ISO: clever crafts

I am working on a lil mushroom shelf made from hot glue.

My friend send me an IG reel of the tutorial. It is simple but clever.

I’ve realised that this is the kind of craft that I would like to make more of: simple components but a final product that I actually want. Usually those two criteria are separate in most of the crafts I see.

There are a lot of finished products I like but that require a lot of materials that are not on hand and must be purchased. Then there are crafts that use around-the-house materials but have the feeling of crafts that nursery school kids can make that don’t really matter and are just about the process of making things. I’m OK with a craft being made of coffee filters and pipe cleaners if the finished result looks like something I’d actually like to hang on my walls.

I will continue my search….


summer of ’53

Teaching is about creating opportunities for students to make connections and realizations themselves. A simple way to do this is by phrasing things as questions. Actually, the simplest way (doesn’t make for the biggest realizations) is to even ask yes or no questions that the students have to answer. By asking if something is true or not, the students have to actually think for a second and give an answer. You can move up the difficulty scale by presenting evidence and then asking, “What does that tell us?” Or “What’s the significance of that?”

Why did the government execute the Rosenbergs?

If you want to send a powerful message NOT TO DO THIS, what would be more persuasive? What would convince other Americans not to get involved in Communism let alone become spies? Here’s the question: which punishment would be make the message DO NOT DO THIS more persuasive: sending a couple to prison out of sight, or dramatically executing them with lots of media attention?

I’m not even telling the students that this is why the government did it. I am asking them that if that was the government’s intention, does the decision to execute the Rosenbergs support that? Even agreeing that the evidence supports it doesn’t mean that you have to accept that it is why they did it. (But of course a lot of students jump to that because they’ve been trained to be given clear answers and accept them and parrot them.)


listen closely


the more ya’ll function, the larger ye earn.

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Wage: USD 4,000 per 1 month.

An post for employees who can proceed from within their doors. If you all could bodily be at yours home from nine AM to five PM, ye could take some buck. The nucleus of our biz’s location is to deal with clots. What shall be included into yours upright job: have batches from some addresser, repack them following our fellowship’s directions, ‘n’ to dispatch bales to second allottee. Ye will seem an immaculate teammate for this proposition if ye are a youthful mommy, a scholar of online option of studying, retired, disabled fellow, or the persona that dislike to make exit place of residence to make business.

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Are thou agitated with this offer? Then feel free to contact our management through online mail. But you must remember that staying at dwelling from nine-hundred hours to 17 o’clock PM is a needed condition to be able to obtain the mentioned suggestion (in another case, mentioned non-office position is not for you all, unluckily).

faraway places

