short thoughts

it is an outrage that the the words spoken by women who suffered are only the banale, country store magnet cherry picked quotes.


“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.”

(Helen Keller)

“In still believe, in spite of everything, people are truly good at heart.”

(Anne Frank)

Do people know she was a socialist?

Her life apparently stopped shortly after learning to write.

When did Anne say this? How long before she saw a concentration camp?

Why do we only repeat victims’ words which forgive their killers?


I was born in 1949, short thoughts

the doomsday preacher has a blog now!

back in my day the doomsday preacher with a picket sign saying REPENT THE END IS NEAR stood on the street corner yelling his ideas. why has that changed? why do I have to read his ramblings on a blog post now? yes, maybe he will reach a bigger audience this way (though how his one blip in cyberspace would actually be found, I don’t know. A man yelling on a street corner with a visual aid is hard to ignore, but a blog, on the other hand, is very easy to never come across). but I want that visceral reaction I feel when I see a man thumping his fist on a bible telling people that Jesus saves us from hell.

goddammit this newfangled technology!
